The Spruce Creek Musical Performing Arts Association is a parent organization whose purpose is to promote and support the Spruce Creek High School band program. We perform a variety of activities throughout the school year to help support the directors and to keep the band and color guard running smoothly.
There is no cost to join the boosters, and the only requirement is to have a student who is active in the band, orchestra, or color guard program. We meet monthly, typically on the first Tuesday of the month. Dates and times are always announced in advance, and located on the calendar. Participating in the Booster program is a great way to have insight as to what is going on with the band and your student.
We would love to have you join us! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the board members below.
Board of Directors
Executive Board
Martha Liebman & Archana Patel
Co-Fundraiser Chairs

Carla Reyes
Color Guard Board Member

Open Position
Events Coordinator

Nicole Chapman
Volunteer Coordinator
Claudette Akarjalian

Derek Dregojevic