Welcome to the SCHS Band! Just a few facts about volunteering with the program:
First, everyone who works with the band is required to submit a Volunteers in Public Schools Volunteer Application. Click here to submit the online application.
AND THIS IS IMPORTANT… even if you are an approved VIPS at another Volusia County School, you must fill out another application at each school. So, if you are freshman parent who has never volunteered at SCHS, you’ll have to fill it out again. That’s Volusia County School rules, not ours.
The official uniform for band volunteers is the black band polo and khaki pants, shorts, or skort. Please wear closed toed shoes, such as tennis shoes. For the marching band field crew, the uniform is the wear the field crew orange t-shirts. Both of these can be purchased on Fridays before a game from the uniform closet or at any booster meeting.
We need volunteers for football games, parades, pancake breakfast, band competitions, fundraising such as luminaries, mending uniforms, building props, etc. If you’re ready to get involved, we have a job for you!
If you have any questions or concerns about volunteering, please feel free to contact our adult staffing coordinator.

Volunteering helps to move our band kids in the right direction!
To volunteer at our events, please sign up on Sign Up Genius via the access button above, or the Sign Up Genius mobile app.
Follow these steps to sign up:
Create an account on Sign-Up Genius
Go to Search or Find a sign up and enter: volunteering@creekband.org
Select a Creek Band event to volunteer
Check back frequently for additional volunteer opportunities and read our weekly newsletter for upcoming events.
If you have any questions, please email our Adult Staffing coordinator at volunteering@creekband.org
Just a reminder, you must be an approved VIPS volunteer at Spruce Creek High School to volunteer at any band event. You must fill out a new application every year starting on July 1st.