Luminary Sales
We need approximately 50 parent drivers for our luminary sales. Attendance by students is mandatory for BOTH Saturdays, and it is expected that each family provide one parent/guardian driver for at least one Saturday. This fundraiser is essential to the program! All proceeds will be used to purchase new instruments, music, bus transportation, and fund related performing arts activities.
If you are able to drive, please text or call our volunteer Luminary Chairman and let her know which day you can help. We would like to form a list of committed volunteers prior to the sale to insure that we have enough transportation. If you are not sure if you are VIPS (Volunteer In Public Schools) approved for SCHS, call the school secretary at (386) 322-6272 to check for you.
For those of you who haven’t done luminary sales before (or need a refresher course from previous years), here’s a bit of information:
It’s FUN! It really is a great day for both students and drivers. And we promise you’ll be in the holiday spirit at the end of the day.
Please arrive a few minutes before 8am when the orientation meetings begin. The parents will be briefed, given a map of their designated area, questions will be answered, and then you will be assigned a group of four students.
Drivers will also need to fill out a form with their information so make sure you bring your car insurance form and car registration to the meeting.
Students choose their groups of four (not five, not three, but four).
Please have water and some snacks in the vehicle for them. This fundraising is hard work!
You will be taking a 30-minute lunch break. Some prefer to pack a lunch, some take a vote and go to a local fast food restaurant, and one team even likes to picnic. Each student will have either a packed lunch or money for lunch. Some parents choose to treat their carpool, but that is certainly NOT expected.
If you have Santa hats or reindeer ears, wear them! And make sure your car radio is turned to Jingle Bell tunes! Our parents are the drivers AND the cheerleaders for the day.
We ask that each driver have about $10 in change (five ones, one $5, perhaps another $10 bill if you can) to start out the day. You’re not donating the money, just using it to get them started. The driver stays in the car and as students sell a kit or receive a donation, they will bring it back to you. You’ll be in charge of keeping track of kits sales vs. donations (you’ll be given an envelope). You’ll also be marking off houses on the master map as the students sell. That ensures we do not duplicate any efforts.
The official times for the event are 8-4, but you will probably be done a little before that. Each car will take a limited number of kits to begin. As you sell out (and you will!), you’ll return to the school for more supplies and to turn in your money. At the end of the day, you’ll return your unsold kits and turn in your money, map, and materials. After the first Saturday, the maps will be examined to see missing areas and new assignments will be gathered for the second week of driving.
Did we mention to have fun? Because if you are in the right mind set, you will. The students definitely will benefit as well!
Any additional questions, please contact the Luminary chair at Thank you all for volunteering. Our musical performing arts program depends on you!
Luminaries- Coming in Dec!
We need approximately 50 parent drivers for our luminary sales. Attendance by students is mandatory for BOTH Saturdays, and it is expected that each family provide one parent/guardian driver for at least one Saturday. This fundraiser is essential to the program! All proceeds will be used to purchase new instruments, music, bus transportation, and fund related performing arts activities.
Luminary sales will be December 3rd and December 10th this year!
Please follow this link for more info on Luminary Sales and the process of the day!