This Week’s Events
Sunday, October 1 $425 Payment for Wind Ensemble DUE & Color guard must have paid up to $400. Please pay via Cut Time or bring in a check addressed to SCMPAA on Monday. Monday, October 2 Sign up for All County Band Auditions by 3:30pm TODAY! Tuesday, October 3 Marching Band Rehearsal 5-8pm (Main Field) Wednesday, October 4 Wind Ensemble Horn Sectional 2:45-3:45pm Front Ensemble & Drumline Rehearsal 3-5pm Thursday, October 5 Wind Ensemble Rehearsal 3:45-5:45pm Color Guard Rehearsal 4:30-6:30pm Friday, October6 MAKE UP MARCHING BAND PRACTICE 4:00-6:30 *ONLY if we are unable to go outside on 9/28 or 10/3*
After School Meals Available Starting October 2nd!
Starting October 2nd, students will be able to pick up a free meal immediately after school in the cafeteria! This is a great way to make sure students who stay after on Tuesday or Friday can have a good meal before practice or a game! Students must go to the cafeteria immediately to pick up a meal. Only a certain number of meals will be available to students each day, so please get to the cafeteria quickly after school! All County Band Auditions
The following students have signed up for auditions. All students must register for All County Band by 3:30pm on Monday, October 2nd. Color Guard Parent Communication
Color guard parents! Winter guard is just over a month away! To stay informed regarding competition dates, itineraries and more please make sure you join the parent communication group. This is also the best way to get in contact with Ms. Hannah.

Help Plan Our Band Banquet by Joining the Banquet Committee!

Concert Attire
Our first concert of the year is October 11th for Jazz Bands & October 18th for Concert Bands! Please see below for information regarding concert uniforms & where to purchase a tuxedo.
Jazz Band Solid Black Button-Down Shirt Black Dress Pants Black Closed-Toe Dress Shoes Black Mid-Calf Length Socks Stud earrings ONLY (No necklaces or bracelets) Concert Band Attire Black Concert Dress *Measured & ordered at Kick Off. If you did not attend Kick Off, please contact Mrs. Higgins scmpaa@creekband.org* Closed-toed with low-to-no heeled BLACK shoes.
Stud earrings ONLY (No necklaces orbracelets)
White Tuxedo Shirt Solid Black Bowtie · Solid Black Vest · Black Tuxedo Jacket *Wind Ensemble & Orchestra ONLY* · Black Tuxedo Pants · Black Dress Shoes · Black Mid-Calf Length Socks · Stud earrings ONLY (No necklaces orbracelets We recommend purchasing tuxedoes here:
Daytona Tuxedos 1866 S. Ridgewood Ave. South Daytona, Fl. 32119 (386) 322-6868 Band prices for the 2023-2024 school year from Daytona Tuxedo
1 button polyestertuxedo jacket $59.00 Black classic fit tuxedo pants $27.00 White wing collar $16.50 Black vest $25.00 Black cummerbund $8.50 Black pre-tied bow $3.75 Black self-tie bow tie $12.00 OPTIONS: Slim fit Shirt $18.77 Slim Fit Tux Pants $30.04 Slim Fit Dress pants $30.04 Slim fit Jackets $79.00
*Free hemming on the new clothes purchased. Tapering is an additional charge except for SLIM options. $5 hem on pants and jackets purchased over 6 months ago. Add 6.5% Florida sales tax*
Photos up on SmugMug!
Thank you to our parent photographers who help to capture our football games and
events! If you haven’t already, check out our SmugMug account! These photos are free to download! The password for the account is “creek band” (case-sensitive) https://www.creekband.org/creek-band-photos
Band Calendar Access
Keep up with the latest band activity for the year by syncing our Google calendar to your phone: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=M2ZpZjJ2dWtmaDBsbzlzYm40MnRtdDA 3dTBAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
If you are unable to sync the calendar to your phone, bookmark this link to our website to check out all upcoming dates https://www.creekband.org/events-and-calendar
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