Monday, December 11
Winter Guard 4:30-8:30pm
Lakeside Jazz Meeting 7pm (SCHS
Tuesday, December 12
Winter Band Concert 6pm
Wednesday, December 13
Wind Ensemble Brass Sectionals 2:45-3:45pm
Thursday, December 14
Winter Jazz Concert & Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser 5-7pm (SCHS Main Atrium)
Winter Guard 4:30-8:30pm
Friday, December 15
Gift Wrapping Fundraiser @ Volusia Mall 12pm-7:30pm
Last Call for Marching Uniforms!
The marching uniforms will be sent to dry cleaners over Winter Break so please check your closets! All marching uniforms and uniform pieces need to be turned in BY MONDAY
MORNING (December 11th).
Students will be charged the following for missing items:
• Missing Guard Uniform- $250
• Missing Jacket- $200
• Missing Sash- $60
• Missing Gauntlets- $40
• Missing Shako Wrap- $45
• Missing Bibbers- $100
• Missing Garment Bag- $25
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser (December 14)
Wind Ensemble Students & Parents: Please read below!
Wind Ensemble Students need to bring in the following donations:
o Flutes: Cookies
o Clarinets: Mini Cupcakes
o Double Reeds, Bass Clarinet, and all Saxes: Brownies
o Trumpets & Horns: 12 Pack of Bottled Water
o Trombones: 12 Pack of Coca Cola
o Baritones & Tubas: 12 Pack of Sprite
o String Bass & Percussion: 12 Pack of Diet Coke
Wind Ensemble students who are not in a jazz band will sign up for a volunteer shift.
Parents who’d like to volunteer can sign up here:
Wind Ensemble Photo Day
We need a nice photo of the Wind Ensemble for the National Concert Band Festival Program.We'd like to take the photo on Tuesday, January 2nd at Riverfront Park (near FYSH) from 3-5pm.
Plan to show up by 3pm in your concert attire, with your concert instrument. We will also
offer FREE headshots for each student.

We will be wrapping gifts at the Volusia Mall this year to help offset the cost of the National Concert Band Festival & Winter Guard.
Color Guard & Wind Ensemble Students/Parents are REQUIRED to sign up for AT LEAST one shift.
Any other band student is highly encouraged to help as well!
Sign-up sheets for students will be posted on the board next week and parents may sign up for a shift here through Sign Up Genius:
We are also in need of the following donated items, as gift wrapping supplies are not provided by the mall. These items can be gently used from last year!
• Wrapping paper
• Gift boxes
• Gift bags
• Gift tags
• Gift bag tissue paper
• Bows
• Tape
• Scissors
• Pens
Florida Music Educators’ Association Convention (FMEA)
(January 10-13, 2024)
We’re encouraging all students to try and make a day trip to Tampa during the FMEA
convention to check out the exhibit hall and the All-State concerts! To see what is available in the exhibit hall, click on this link: https://fmea.org/conference/exhibitors/. Plan to bring your mouthpiece as there are several vendors who have instruments for you to try.
If you’d like to see the All-State Jazz Bands, drive over on Friday morning as the exhibit hall will be open from 10am-6:30pm. The jazz bands perform that night at 7pm in the Tampa Convention Center (Sebastian & Ben will be playing in this concert!). Here is a link to purchase a ticket to the All-State Jazz Concert: https://teachtix.com/fmea/jazz-bands
If you’d like to see the All-State Concert Bands, drive over on Saturday morning as the exhibithall will be open from 9am-1pm. The concert bands perform at 2:30pm in the Tampa Convention Center (Olivia, Collin, Alex, Maddie, and future hawks Hannah & Christian will be playing in this concert!). Here is the link to purchase a ticket for the All-State Concert Bands Concert:
If you do plan to attend, please let Mr. or Mrs. Martin know so that we can give you parking & exhibit hall pass information! We hope to see some of you there!
Solo & Ensemble
Solo & Ensemble is February 16th and 17th at Hagerty High School
Required Accompanist Rehearsals January 20th & February 3rd: All students will be
scheduled for two practice sessions with your piano player. These two days are listed
above. Any additional practice time outside of these two days is the responsibility of the
student to schedule with the piano player and may cost an additional amount.
IB Recital: The IB recital will be held on February 9th at 6:30pm in the band room. All Pre-IBstudents and IB students will attend but only juniors & seniors will perform.
FSU Trombone Day (January 14, 2024)
The FSU Trombone studio (along with new trombone professor Dr. Hana Beloglavec) are excited to invite your students to our trombone day on: Sunday, January 14th
We are happy to officially announce that Nathan Zgonc of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra will join us as our featured guest artist! We are working to get the vendors from this past year as well as some new businesses involved. Last year’s guests included Greg Black Mouthpieces, Husonics, Playground Music, Music Masters, Antoine Courtois, and Dino Bone Music. There will be opportunities to check out the booths throughout the day.
As an attendee, students should plan on bringing their instruments and enjoying a day full of playing trombone and listening to wonderful trombonists! There will be performances from our guest artist Nathan Zgonc, the FSU Trombone Choir, the FSU Jazz trombone students, and students will play in a mass trombone choir. Students can register at this link: https://forms.office.com/r/BRkhA7DwEB. Registration is open for 6th grade through college students. New this year – interested high school students can apply to perform in a masterclass for Dr. B (information is available in the registration form.
Lunch will not be provided, but there are many restaurants nearby and on campus that
students can frequent. Any questions? Please reach out to Dr. Hana Beloglavec at