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Click Here for Newsletter - Week of October 3rd


Instrumental Music “Notes” 

October 3-8, 2022

Monday, October 3


Tuesday, October 4


Wednesday, October 5

Bring your CONCERT instrument to class!

12 O Clock Combo (Lunch)

Drumline 3-5:30pm

Wind Ensemble Brass Choir 2:30-3:30pm

Thursday, October 6

Bring your CONCERT instrument to class!

Leadership Meeting (Office Hours)

Marching Band 4-6:00pm

Friday, October 7

Bring your MARCHING instrument to class!

*IB Music*

12:10 Combo Rehearsal (Office Hours)

Home vs Atlantic Coast HS (Call Time 5:30pm)

Saturday, October 8

Marching Band 9am-2pm *REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS*

Revised Marching Band Schedule due to Hurricane Ian

Due to Hurricane Ian, we have adjusted our marching band schedule. Please see below for those updates, which can also be found on our website or the Google calendar, which can be synced to your calendar:

If you need assistance with transportation, please reach out to Mr. & Mrs. Martin directly!

Thursday, October 6th: Marching Band Practice 4-6pm

Friday, October 7th: Home Game vs. Atlantic Coast HS (Call Time 5:45pm)

Saturday, October 8th: Marching Band Practice 9am-2pm *PLEASE SEE MR. MARTIN IN-PERSON FOR ANY SCHEDULE CONFLICTS Do not send an email**

Tuesday, October 11th: Marching Band Practice 5-8pm

Thursday, October 13th: Marching Band 4-6:30pm (Students will not be dismissed early for Field Night)

Friday, October 14th: Homecoming Game vs University HS (Call Time 5:45pm)

Tuesday, October 18th: Marching Band Practice 5-8pm

Thursday, October 20th: Marching Band Practice 4-6:30pm

Friday, October 21st: AWAY at New Smyrna Beach HS (Call Time 5:30pm)

Saturday, October 22nd: Marching Band Practice 9am-2pm (Tentative)

Tuesday, October 25th: Marching Band Practice 5-8pm

Thursday, October 27th: Marching Band Practice 4-6:30pm Friday, October 28th: Senior Night/Middle School Night (Call Time 5pm) Saturday, October 29th: Marching Music Performance Assessment (MPA) @ Winter Springs High School

  • Practice 9am-12pm

  • Lunch Break 12-2pm

  • Call Time 2pm

It is ABSOLUTELY VITAL that we have ALL students the ENTIRE TIME at EVERY PRACTICE through the end of October! We are here to help, please reach out if you need anything as we all recover from Hurricane Ian!

Game Day Schedule for Home Game vs Atlantic Coast

Friday (during school): Students are required to wear their orange band t-shirt & solid black shorts (MUST BE IN DRESS-CODE); Color Guard must wear their tie-dye shirts from this year and black leggings. Students will be assigned a grade for wearing their uniform! *Color guard students are required to stay after school for hair and makeup! Please bring your OWN hair and makeup supplies to school* Plan to eat dinner BEFORE arriving!

5:45pm: Call Time for students and volunteers! Students should come dressed in their orange band t-shirt, black shorts (must be able to fit under uniform pants), long solid-black socks (mid-calf or higher), black gloves, Dinkles, NO JEWELRY, collar-length or longer hair in a bun.

Here is a great tutorial on how to put your hair in a bun:

5:45-6:20pm: Section leaders will check to make sure each student is in proper uniform with their instrument in working condition, drawstring bag, flip folder, lyre, and all stands tunes in the proper order in the flip folder. Line up outside the band room by 5:50pm to march out to the field.

6:30pm: Set up in the stands and then go down to the field for pre-game

6:50pm: Pre-game begins!

7pm: Game Begins! We will play in the stands for the first two quarters of the game. The band will then perform at halftime. After that, students will have 3rd Quarter to visit the concessions stand & use the restroom.

Halftime: students will perform halftime show

3rd Quarter & End of game: During 3rd Quarter, students MUST stay in groups of 2 or more students and MAY NOT enter the Home or Visitors Stands! Students MUST be in their spot by the time the clock for 3rd Quarter reaches 0:00! We will then play in the stands through the 4th quarter and end the game playing the Alma Mater & Fight Song for the football team! A Remind will be sent to parents at the end of the game to come pick students up at Spruce Creek High School.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What time does the game end? The game ends when all 4 quarters have been completed unless it is a tie at the end of the 4th Quarter. Most games end around 9pm, but some have ended as early at 8:30pm, while others have gone until 11pm. A Remind will be sent when the game has concluded.

  2. Does my student have to ride the bus? Yes, all students must ride the bus to-and-from the game. If there is an emergency or extenuating circumstance, please contact Mrs. Martin by Wednesday afternoon. A Remind will be sent out at the end of the game, with an estimated arrival time. All students need to be picked up within 20 minutes of arriving back at Spruce Creek High School, or VCSO will be called! If you are unable to pick up your student, please arrange to have another parent or student to take your student home.

  3. Will my student have time to eat? Students should eat dinner before arriving at 5pm. Students will also have the opportunity to visit the concessions stand during 3rd quarter & use the restroom. Students should plan to bring water and snack to the game.

  4. How can I attend the game? VOLUNTEER 😊

Fall Concert (Monday, October 10th)

Our first concert of the year is Monday, October 10th at 7pm in the SCHS Auditorium! Performances from 10 O Clock Jazz, 11 O Clock Jazz, 12 O Clock Jazz, Wind Ensemble, and Orchestra will be featured on this concert! Please make sure you have the proper attire for this concert:

Concert Bands & Orchestra Attire

Black Concert Dress

Closed-toed Black Shoes

Stud earrings ONLY (No necklaces or bracelets)


White Tuxedo Shirt

Solid Black Bowtie

Solid Black Vest

Black Tuxedo Jacket

Black Tuxedo Pants

Black Dress Shoes

Black Mid-Calf Length Socks

Stud earrings ONLY (No necklaces or bracelets)

Jazz Band

Solid Black Button-Down Shirt

Black Dress Pants

Black Closed-Toe Dress Shoes

Black Mid-Calf Length Socks

Stud earrings ONLY (No necklaces or bracelets)

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser Clarification and Ireland Gear

Considering the parent discussions in the last few days, please see below for some clarifications:

  • The spaghetti dinner was to help offset the cost for all students, while also purchasing beanies for every student since it will be part of their parade uniform. This is NOT an individual fundraiser.

  • In speaking with Mr. Martin, the coupon codes were to be given to students who were up to date on their trip fees and sold tickets. Because of the hurricane this is delayed. Please order your items needed and we will figure it out afterwards.

  • Shop | SCHS Performing Arts ( Orders must be in by Friday.

  • Both of these items were discussed in the parent meeting a few weeks ago.

Volunteers for Football Games

We need volunteers for all football games! Please sign up here if you can volunteer:

All County Jazz Auditions

All County Jazz audition materials can be found on the band website.  Students in 12 O’clock are required to audition.  Students in 11 O’clock and 10 O’clock will have the option to audition.  Please check the required dates. If you are unable to attend any of them, you should not audition.  This will be discussed in class. 

Auditions will be held October 19th at Spruce Creek High School from 4:00-7:30pm.  See band website for details.  Students will need to decide if they are auditioning by September 14th.  Students that are non-IB students will need to pay $10 for their audition.  Payment will be due on September 14th as well.

All County Band Auditions

All County Band audition material was given out to students yesterday. This year’s auditions will be recorded during class starting November 9th through November 17th. To register for auditions, students must turn in their contracts and $10 audition fee by Wednesday, October 26th *IB & Pre-IB Music students have already paid for one audition* Students who would like to try out for multiple instruments are encouraged to do so, but must pay an additional $10 *this includes IB & Pre-IB Music students*

If students did not receive a contract and audition material in class, these items can be found on our website:

Ireland Trip

All students, chaperones, and shadow tour members should be up-to-date on their payments as of this date! This means your tour balance must be equal to or less than $960 and have paid at least $2091 so far towards your trip.

*Next Ireland Trip meeting is January 10th at 7:30pm- MUST BRING COPY OF YOUR PASSPORT*

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Contact Us

Lauren Martin, Director of Bands and Orchestra

David Martin, Director of Jazz Bands and IB


801 Taylor Road 

Port Orange, FL 32127

​​Tel: 386-322-6272 ext. 37754


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