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2023 Band Camp Survival Guide

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

Band camp begins Monday (7/24)! Make sure you are prepared!

What to Wear to Band Camp

• Athletic sneakers (No Converse, Sperry’s, Toms, or Van’s-Type shoes)

• Athletic socks

• Loose-fitted gym shorts

• Loose-fitted gym shoes

• Sunglasses

• Hat (wide-brimmed or bucket hat preferred)

• Sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher)

What to Bring to Band Camp

EL2 Physical Form *All students MUST turn in a physical on July 24th that has been completed by a physician*

EL3 Physical Form*All students MUST turn in a physical on July 24th that has been completed by a physician*

• ECG Consent Form *OPTIONAL*

• Concuss

ion Screening *OPTIONAL*

• Instrument

• Instrument accessories (cork grease, valve oil, mouthpiece, reeds, etc.)

• Flip folder

• Lyre

• A pencil with eraser

• Music passed out during June practice; find show music HERE:

• Water (AT LEA


• A healthy snack (fruit, granola bars, carrots, etc.)

• A bagged, HEALTHY lunch *students who purchased lunches for band camp will have their lunch available for pick up during the lunch break*

Band Camp Schedule

“To be early is to be on time & to be on time is late”

PLAN TO ARRIVE 15-20 MINUTES EARLY EVERY DAY! Students need to be in their spot on the field BY 8am!

Monday, July 24th-Thursday, July 27th & Monday, July 31st -Tuesday, August 1st

8:00am-12:00pm: Outdoor marching fundamentals/drill setting

12:00-12:45pm: Lunch (please bring a HEALTHY meal!)

1:00-3:00pm: Indoor Sectionals

3:00-5:00pm: Full band practice in the Auditorium

4:00-5:00pm: Outdoor m

arching fundamentals/drill-setting (2nd week ONLY)

Thursday, July 27th is our ALL-DAY Spirit Day at Filo Greek! 20% of sales will be given back to the program! Make sure to mention that you are with the

Spruce Creek HS Band!

Wednesday, August 2nd

8:00am: Outdoor

marching fundamentals/drill setting *Pep Band performs at orientation*

12:00-12:45pm: Lunch (please bring a HEALTHY meal!)

1:00-4:00pm: Indoor Sectionals Freshmen students will attend Orientation meeting in the auditorium & return to sectionals at 1:30pm *Pep Band performs at orientation*

4:00-5:00pm: Outdoor marching fundamentals/drill-setting

Thursday, August 3rd

8:00am-10:30am: Full band and Section Photos for Yearbook and Football Program

11:00am-1:00pm: Outdoor marching fundamentals/drill-setting

1:00-1:45pm: Lunch

1:45-3:00pm: Full Band

3:00-5:00pm: Stude

nts go home to shower/change before the Friends & Family Show *STUDENTS CANNOT STAY ON CAMPUS- please plan prior to band camp!

5:00pm: Call Time for students

6:00pm: Friends and Family Show (on football field weather permitting)

Stop by Ritter’s after the performance to help support the program! 20% of sales will be given back to the program. Fliers will be given out at the performance to present at Ritter’s that evening!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to attend band camp?

Yes! Marching band is required for all students in the band program, and it is mainly done outside of the school day. Our main purpose in marching band is to entertain fans at football games and our first football game of the season is the 2nd week of school! To be ready to put on a great show, we must have ALL students at band camp!

What should I do to prepare for band camp?

First, make sure you are pr

acticing your instrument! Practice scales, long tones, and lip-slurs FIRST and then practice your marching music. Warm-ups and fundamentals are the most important thing you can do right now!

Secondly, start preparing yourself to by physically active! Physical activity can include going for a walk, riding your bike, skateboarding, or running, preferably during the time frame that we will be outside for camp. It is also important to eat a healthy meal, drink plenty of water, and get a full-night’s sleep! Please see the link below for more information on how to physically prepare for band camp CLICK ON THIS LINK

*Marching band is a physical activity, and it is important to dress appropriately to avoid injury and heat-related illness*

How do I get my locker, ID, and schedule?

• Lockers can be purchased online through the Spruce Creek HS website & ID photos can be taken starting A

ugust 1st, from 9am-3pm.

• Schedules will be sent home this month. Students can also see their schedule on Focus.

• We have coordinated with Dr. Sparger that all Band & Color Guard Freshmen students and parents will have the opportunity to attend the orientation presentation in the auditorium on August 2nd at 1pm. Students must return to band camp at the conclusion of the meeting. Parents may stay for the parent meeting with Dr. Sparger & other administration.

• New students will be asked to bring their schedule to band camp. A leadership student will help you find your classes during one of the lunch breaks of camp!

When will I receive my instrument if I am renting from Spruce Creek HS?

If you are still in need of an instrument, please email Mr. Martin THIS WEEK to pick one up BEFORE CAMP!

Do I need to bring a lunch and snack?

All students should bring a HEALTHLY mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack every day. Students also need to bring a healthy and light lunch to camp every day. Students who purchased the band camp lunch meal plan will be able to pick up their lunch during the lunch break each day *BAND CAMP LUNCHES ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT THIS TIME*

It is IMPERATIVE that students eat breakfast EVERY morning and drink water before, during, and after camp each day! Most of our students who get sick during band camp have not eaten breakfast or did not bring enough water each day.

Heat illness is 100% preventable if you take care of yourself!

When will band photos be taken?

Band photos will be taken Thursday, August 3rd during band camp. Students will be fitted for a uniform during band camp, and a uniform will be assigned to them by that time. Seniors: banner photos will be taken DURING CLASS on August 21st!

Will there be a Friends and Family show?

Yes! Our Friends and Family show will occur on Thursday, August 3rd at 6pm!

Are there opportunities for adults to be involved at band camp?

Yes! We need adult volunteer for the uniform room, the first aid tent, and to help set up for the band camp lunches. Any adult family member is welcome to help!

First, renew your volunteer status HERE; you do NOT need to be fingerprinted- only complete the one-page application and bring your Florida Driver’s License to ANY VCS school to be scanned into RAPTOR. Remember, all parents MUST renew EACH year!

Next, sign up HERE for a shift. On the day of camp, plan to arrive a HALF HOUR before your designated time to sign in at the front office & receive a volunteer badge.

The more adult volunteers the better! We will not turn anyone away if they have been cleared to volunteer!

Where can I buy a flip folder and lyre, and do I need to have one?

Amazon is the quickest & easiest w

ay to purchase a flip folder!

• Flute & Sousaphone Flip Folder/Lyre:

• Clarinet Lyre: Clarinet Flip Folder:

• Saxophone Lyre: Saxophone Flip Folder:

• Trumpet/Mellophone/ Baritone Flip Folder (clips onto bell):

• Trombone Flip Folder (clips on bell):

We also have flip folders available for purchase in the band room. All students, including returners, must have a flip folder and lyre at band camp and throughout the season.

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