Tickets range in price from $10-12 & will be sold via the Spruce Creek High School Band website: https://www.creekband.org/event-details/spaghetti-dinner through December 1st. *Save your receipt of sale to show as entry that night*
Unable to make the event? You can still help! Select a purchase of a donation ticket instead of a meal ticket on the menu! Select more than one quantity to donate more than $10!
All proceeds go to support the Wind Ensemble’s performance at the 2024 National Concert Band Festival in Indianapolis! Each Wind Ensemble students is REQUIRED to sell at least 20 tickets.

1. Sign up to drive! The more drivers we have, the more neighborhoods we can reach; This means more potential sales! This is where we need the most help as students cannot drive themselves!
2. Volunteer to take kits into your office or to business partners. Contact Amber Morgan & Nicole Chapman fundraising@creekband.org to pick up your kits.
3. Help us promote this event on social media
Port Orange Holiday Parade (Sunday, December 3rd)
Our annual Port Orange Holiday Parade is upon us! Please see below for parade information! If you would like to volunteer, please sign up here:
